Any person who wishes to seek information under the Right to Information Act, 2005 can file an application in Form-A, to the Public Information Officer, Sri Gavisiddeshwar Arts, Science & Commerce College, Gavimath Campus, Koppal 583231. Karnataka.
A nominal application fee of Rs.10/- per application will be charged by way of cash or a Postal Order in favour of Sri Gavisiddeshwar Arts, Science & Commerce College, Gavimath Campus, Koppal 583231. Karnataka , for supply of information other than the information relating to Tender Documents/Bids/Quotations/Business Documents in addition to the cost of documents or the photo copies of document/information, if any. For Tender Documents, an application fee of Rs.500/- per application will be charged. A sum of Rs.2/- per page will be charged for supply of photo copy of document(s) under the control of the Principal.
No fee shall be charged from the persons who are below poverty line on submission of photo copy of the BPL card issued by the competent authority.
The Office will endeavour to provide the information in the shortest possible time subject to a maximum of 30 days.
Dr. Channabasava .A,
Sri Gavisiddeshwar Arts, Science & Commerce College,
Koppal 583231. Karnataka
Tel. No. (Off): 08539-220214